See Denzal's Shop

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Here are a few useful tips that may help you use this site:

Updating your Listing

To change your listing either:

Go to the listing for your dog, and use the login on the left. This page will refresh with a link at the bottom allowing you to edit it.

Or login in using the menu on the left, an option to Edit your Listing will appear, if you click on this it will take you to your listings. Click on the heading of the listing you want to edit. At the foot of the page there will be a link allowing you to edit your listing.

Uploading a Picture

Please make sure your picture is either a jpeg or a gif and under 400k in size. If it is bigger than this see the page Photo too Big?, you will need to log in before you can resize your picture.

You will have the option to add your picture when you Add your Dog. If you have already added your dog and need to add a picture later, see the article above Updating your Listing.

Registration Problems

If you have a problem using the automatic registration process please try pasting the link emailed to you into the browser address bar. If you still have a problem contact me and I will be able to sort it out for you. Please be patient though.


If you have any queries that are not covered here use our contact page to request advice.


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